Q & A About Telehealth

Q: What is Telehealth? 

A: Telehealth is the use of a digital platform to remotely provide health care information and services, including physical therapy. It is an efficient and practical way to provide clinical care outside of the clinical setting.

Q: Who can benefit from a telehealth appointment for physical therapy?

A: Anyone who is in need of physical therapy services, whether it be for an orthopedic and/or neurological condition.  

q: What if I am currently undergoing treatment at sarrica physical therapy?

A: If you feel more comfortable temporarily receiving treatment via Telehealth, we are happy to assess your movement patterns, strength, control, and range of motion. We will demonstrate the appropriate drills, stretches, and strengthening exercises that will enhance your strength and flexibility, while reducing your pain and discomfort.

q: can telehealth help People with pain?

A: Yes. Patients that are in pain (whether acute or chronic) can benefit from two way video chats (aka: Telehealth) directly with your physical therapist. We will help you to discover the root cause of your pain, and will create a program with you to ensure that your symptoms resolve. This will allow you to get back to doing what you love (running, playing with your grandchildren, working out in your home gym, sleeping, sitting, walking without pain, etc. )

Q: Who is telehealth not good for? 

A: Those that are technologically challenged, do not have internet/WiFi service (for those using Video chat), those under 18 without a parent or legal guardian to consent.

Q: Why are we offering telehealth services?  

A: Due to the current health crisis in the US, this is a platform that will allow us to stay in touch with our existing patients, and to offer our services to new patients who do not feel comfortable coming to our offices.

Telehealth will also hold existing patients accountable with their home exercise regimen. It will help keep our patients healthy during this health crisis , and can help them prevent re-injury or relapse.

q: How quickly can I get an appointment?  

A: You can schedule a Telehealth appointment with one of our doctors of physical therapy within 24 hours. Our Telehealth services are available 6 days a week, Monday - Saturday. Request an appointment here.

Q: Can I continue with you in-person if I wish to at a later date? 

A: Yes, just call the office when you are ready to return or start in office therapy sessions. Our office is currently open and we are taking an abundance of caution to ensure the safety of our patients and our staff. If you are interested in learning more about what we are doing, please click the link below to view our office patient guidelines.

Q:Is telehealth covered by insurance? 

A: Health insurance companies are working to allow Telehealth services to be reimbursable for physical therapy services. This is not an easy task, but we have made some ground.  As of April 6th, 2020, insurances that cover Telehealth sessions for physical therapy include:

  • United Healthcare

  • Aetna

  • Cigna

  • Oxford

  • Tricare

*We must pre-verify your insurance policy to determine if the service is covered before your scheduled appointment*

*If we determine that your insurance provider does not cover Telehealth physical therapy sessions, we will discuss out of pocket fees for our services at that time**

Q: How can I schedule a Telehealth appointment today? 

A: Click here to request a Telehealth appointment for Physical Therapy, or, visit us at www.sarricapt.com, click on "request an appointment" on the upper left hand corner, then click "request telehealth", or call our office at 347-560-6920.


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