Beginner’s Guide To Cupping Therapy: What It Is and How It Works for Pain Relief
Beginner’s Guide To Cupping Therapy: What It Is and How It Works for Pain Relief
How Fascial Restrictions Could be Causing Your Pain
Discover how fascial restrictions may be contributing to your pain and how myofascial release therapy at Sarrica PT & Wellness in Brooklyn can help. Call (347) 560-6920 to learn more!
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis
In this blog, we'll delve into what rheumatoid arthritis is, its impact on daily life, and how physical therapy can play a crucial role in rheumatoid arthritis treatment in NYC, managing its symptoms and improving overall well-being.
Moving Through Fibromyalgia With Physical Therapy
Nearly 5 million people in the United States have fibromyalgia. This chronic condition causes widespread pain, fatigue, and cognitive issues. It can be difficult to manage and can severely impact quality of life. The best treatment plans combine exercise, modalities and education. Physical therapists are experts in all three, so they're the perfect practitioner to help!
Does Yoga Really Help the Body, and Should You Incorporate it Into Your Routine?
While yoga has been in practice for decades, in the last ten years, it has become increasingly popular as a modern practice to support both physical health and spiritual health in tandem. So what exactly does yoga do for the body and spirit, and can it be beneficial for you to add to your routine? We’ll break down our thoughts below.
Massage Therapy- How Much is Too Much?
As a Massage Therapist the most asked question by far is "How often should I receive a Massage?" There are many variables that can lead you to an answer. The answer depends on ones physical needs, pain levels, stress levels, emotional needs & of course the budget.
What Physical Therapy Can Do For Arthritis
What surprises many people is that exercise has been shown to be as effective as medication for pain relief in many types of arthritis, without the side effects.
How to Overcome the Shock of a Chronic Pain Diagnosis
Learning how to manage your chronic pain is critical to your quality of life, and while you may feel at a loss, Sarrica Physical Therapy and Wellness wants you to know there is hope. Here are a few considerations for meeting the issue head-on and managing it into the future so it doesn’t manage you.
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis
May has been nationally recognized as Arthritis Awareness month, helping to raise awareness and education about arthritis. While there are many types of arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis is one that can drastically affect those who suffer with it.
Is Your Pillow Making Your Neck Hurt?
Neck pain is an all-too-common pain condition that can be caused by poor posture, trauma, overuse of particular muscles, and car accidents, to name a few. But there is another common reason for neck pain that is easy to overlook -- the way you sleep and the pillows you sleep with.
How to Treat Cervical Radiculopathy
What are the Cervical Radiculopathy symptoms to look out for and how can you treat it? We’ve packed all the details into this blog for you!
The Impact of Massage Therapy on Breast Cancer
In this blog, we’ll outline how and why more and more providers are incorporating massage therapy into treatment plans for breast cancer patients.
Everything You Need To Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Not all cases of Carpal Tunnel are the same. While many cases originate at the wrist, there is a possibility that it could be coming from compression of the cervical spine or both at the same time…
Our Favorite Exercises for Foot Pain
Have you ever thought about how much strain we put on our feet on a daily basis? Think about it, your feet withstand your entire body weight and the numerous strenuous activities you place on them every day.