The Relationship Between Music and Massage Therapy
Great Massage Therapy isn’t just about knowing and applying the right techniques; it’s about setting the scene properly and using everything at your disposal to make the customer as happy and relaxed as possible. Music has a significant part to play in creating that kind of relaxed atmosphere. Think about your favorite song, then consider how just hearing it can smooth away some of the stresses of a troubled day. The right music during massage can have the same effect, allowing you to better relax your patient and for them to have a more enjoyable massage experience.
Music can have a significant impact on massage therapy by:
Creating a relaxing environment:
Music can help clients ease into the moment by signaling the brain to unwind.
Reducing stress:
Music can help lower stress hormones, blood pressure, and heart rate.
Easing chronic pain:
Music therapy can help reduce pain, anxiety, and depression.
Improving mood:
Music can help improve mood, mental alertness, and memory.
Strengthening communication skills:
Music therapy can help improve speaking, language, and social skills.
Some types of music that are often used in massage therapy include:
Slow, classical sounds
Nature sounds
Other forms of ambient noise
Not all clients are created equal when it comes to the music they like. Some clients may not want any music at all! Here at Sarrica Physical Therapy & Wellness we have a collection of different types of music that can fit the needs of different tastes. At Sarrica Physical Therapy & Wellness we communicate with our clients to see what type of music suits them or if they would prefer that the room is silent during the session. If you or someone you know would like to experience our massage therapy please feel free to reach out at 347-560-6920.